Our Elders

Jim Singer


Jim has been attending Moore Park Baptist Church for most of the past 60 years. He became an elder in 2019 and currently also chairs the Missions Committee. Jim is enthusiastic about ensuring young people are presented with the gospel and tends to be involved in a range of ministries that support this passion.

As a local to the Indooroopilly area, Jim has spent considerable time as a member of Moore Park Baptist Church and has served in a number of ministries over that time. He has served in a number of Church leadership roles as well as being involved in Boys’ Brigade, Sunday School and Youth Group.


Jim and his wife, Janet, are now both retired and enjoy spending time with their family, traveling and bush walking through local trails.

Therese Wilson


Therese has been attending Moore Park Baptist Church for over 25 years. As an elder since December 2019, Therese has been passionate about having a team of elders who work alongside the Pastor to look after the spiritual leadership of the church. She recognises the value of spiritual, emotional and physical health in leadership and spends much time mentoring others towards those values.

Whilst the role of an elder can be quite varied, Therese currently also serves as one of our Worship Leaders, regularly leading our Sunday morning services. Moreover, she also facilitates personal and corporate prayer and consistently uses her work experience as an adult educator to teach and mentor others. Therese introduced the Kids Hope program, mentoring children at Indooroopilly State School in 2007 and coordinated that program until recently where she returned to full time work in Higher Education. Therese and her husband, Richard, also coordinated our children’s ministry for a number of years.

Therese and Richard have two adult children and a growing family of grandchildren. In her spare time, Therese enjoys spending time outdoors walking through local bush tracks and listening to a diverse collection of podcasts.

Rachel Webb


Rachel joined the Moore Park Baptist church elders in 2024.

We have a personal profile Coming Soon.


We walk by faith, not by sight.

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