Morning Service
Morning service 9am
Our service for all
Our morning service welcomes all members of our community to our church and is aimed towards the majority of our congregation. You could consider this a more traditional service with a mixture of traditional and modern worship styles led by our worship teams. In our morning service, we always have some form of teaching from the bible, this could be examining a passage from the bible or following a sermon series of other topics. However, we always share God’s word together and seek to learn more about Him. Together, we engage in corporate prayer, and on the first Sunday of the month we partake in communion as the body of Christ.
During the school term our children’s ministries are available. We always worship together as a family and the children are able to go to their teaching whilst we have ours.

The service happens inside, but church happens outside
In saying this, there are times where our morning service might steer from the norm. For example, we sometimes might have periods of reflection, a piece of drama or even have completely interactive services where you are able to have a more active part in learning about your God. Whilst we welcome everyone to join in, there is no pressure and you are welcome to sit and watch rather than participate if you’d prefer.
Nonetheless, at the end of each service we have a time of fellowship together outside during Morning Tea. We invite you to stay around after the service and socialise with one another, as although the service happens inside the building, church really happens when we meet outside together.

Participation over perfection
We always encourage participation over perfection, so whilst we aim to do our best, there sometimes can be a wrong note played by our musicians, or a stumble with technology. We encourage everyone to be involved and together we learn how to work together more effectively as well as nurture our gifts.
We walk by faith, not by sight.
We’d love for you to come and join us as we grow together as disciples of Christ and seek to serve our wider community.
Find out more about our ministries and service times.